Teacher Leader Guide Chapter 4 Resources
Chapter 4: Insects and Diseases
Teacher/Leader Resources
Insect Predictions and Survey (p. 71)
Printable: Insect Predictions Chart
Printable: Insect Drawing (blank)
Printable: Insect Prediction Drawing
Printable: Insect Prediction Drawing (blank)
Insect Symmetry (p. 74)
The Great Cover-Up! (p. 75)
Designer Bugs (p. 76)
Insect Riddles (p. 76)
Projectable: Riddles Non-rhyming
Projectable: Riddles Non-rhyming
Secret Smells Game (p. 79)
Video Resources
Insect Predictions and Survey (p. 71)
Printable: Insect Predictions Chart
Printable: Insect Drawing (blank)
Printable: Insect Prediction Drawing
Printable: Insect Prediction Drawing (blank)
Insect Symmetry (p. 74)
The Great Cover-Up! (p. 75)
Designer Bugs (p. 76)
Insect Riddles (p. 76)
Projectable: Riddles Non-rhyming
Projectable: Riddles Non-rhyming
Secret Smells Game (p. 79)
All in the Family: Insect Flash Cards (p. 80)
Projectable: Insect Venn Diagram
Ordering Insects (p. 81)
Printable and/or Projectable: Ordering Insects Diagram
Metamorphosis Bracelets and Belts (p. 83)
Projectable: Complete Metamorphosis
Projectable: Incomplete Metamorphosis
Morpho Puppets (p. 85)
JMG Web Activity: Journey North (p. 85)
Video Resources
Insect Predictions and Survey (p. 71)
Printable: Insect Predictions Chart
Printable: Insect Drawing (blank)
Printable: Insect Prediction Drawing
Printable: Insect Prediction Drawing (blank)
Insect Symmetry (p. 74)
The Great Cover-Up! (p. 75)
Designer Bugs (p. 76)
Insect Riddles (p. 76)
Projectable: Riddles Non-rhyming
Projectable: Riddles Non-rhyming
Secret Smells Game (p. 79)
Suck-A-Bug! (p. 87)
Projectable: Suck a Bug Demo Picture
It’s a Small World (p. 88)
Insect Nets (p. 89)
By Land or Sea (p. 92)
Printable: By Land or Sea Pages
Ant Lion Farm (p. 93)
Video Resources
Coming Soon!
Suck-A-Bug! (p. 87)
Projectable: Suck a Bug Demo Picture
It’s a Small World (p. 88)
Insect Nets (p. 89)
By Land or Sea (p. 92)
Printable: By Land or Sea Pages
Ant Lion Farm (p. 93)
Chew on This! (p. 94)
School Yard Survey (p. 97)
Pollinator Puppet Show (p. 97)
Projectable: Pollination Graphic
The Bartering System (p. 99)
Printable: Energy Credit Pieces
The Lone Bee (p. 101)
Designer Plants and Insects (p. 102)
Video Resources
Chew on This! (p. 94)
School Yard Survey (p. 97)
Pollinator Puppet Show (p. 97)
Projectable: Pollination Graphic
The Bartering System (p. 99)
Printable: Energy Credit Pieces
The Lone Bee (p. 101)
Designer Plants and Insects (p. 102)
Garden Friends and Foes (p. 102)
Projectable: Garden Beneficials
Don’t Bug Me! (p. 104)
Who Goes There? (p. 105)
Projectable: Beneficial/Pest Diagram
Critter Creations (p. 107)
Video Resources
Coming Soon!
Garden Friends and Foes (p. 102)
Projectable: Garden Beneficials
Don’t Bug Me! (p. 104)
Who Goes There? (p. 105)
Projectable: Beneficial/Pest Diagram
Critter Creations (p. 107)
Exploratory Fungi (p. 108)
Yeast Bread (p. 108)
Lacy Leaves (p. 110)
Likin’ Those Lichens (p. 111)
Printable: Likin’ Those Lichens Worksheet
Prescription for Prevention (p. 113)
There’s a Fungus Among Us! (p. 114)
Video Resources
Coming Soon!
Exploratory Fungi (p. 108)
Yeast Bread (p. 108)
Lacy Leaves (p. 110)
Likin’ Those Lichens (p. 111)
Printable: Likin’ Those Lichens Worksheet