The Junior Master Gardener (JMG) Program offers curriculum which covers a broad range of horticultural and environmental education topics. Science process skills, observation, taking measurements, and problem solving are naturally integrated into the curriculum through both group and individual learning experiences. All JMG curriculum is correlated to academic standards for science, math, language arts, and social studies.
Elementary (JMG Level 1)
JMG Level One – Core Curricula
The Level One JMG curriculum is designed for grades 3-5. Youth can explore eight chapters of novel, “hands-on” activities. The program includes a study of life-skills and career exploration then culminates the JMG experience with service learning projects and recognizes their efforts with certification as a Junior Master Gardener.

Ever suck a bug to study insects or make mud pies to evaluate soil texture? The 2016 revised JMG Teacher & Leader Guideprovides elementary teachers with the tools to teach the world of gardening with eight chapters of novel, hands-on and proven lessons. The curriculum also helps develops life skills, includes career exploration and provides opportunities for students to culminate the JMG experience with service-learning projects. As students complete areas of study, they can earn different recognition certifications including designation as Certified Junior Master Gardeners.
Junior Master Gardener Teacher/Leader Guide (416 pp.)

The JMG Handbook complements the Level One Teacher/Leader Guide with eight chapters of independent, discovery learning activities for elementary-aged youths. The JMG Youth Handbook is required for students working to earn certification as a Junior Master Gardener. Junior Master Gardener Handbook (192 pp.)
JMG Level One – Learn, Grow, Eat & Go!
Based on new research of kids in school, the LGEG program combines the garden, nutrition, and physical activity into a unique package for learning more about healthy habits.

Created by teachers, this multifaceted garden, nutrition, and physical activities curriculum is evidence-based and academically rich. Through a linear set of hands-on, proven lessons, your students will better understand plants and how plants provide for people’s needs. The 10-week (2 lessons / week) unit of study will step your class through process of establishing a thriving garden that is easy to create and maintain Learn, Grow, Eat & Go! (226 pp.)
JMG Level One – Golden Ray Series
Cultivate a connection to children’s literature gardening with this award-winning curriculum. You’ll be engaging children through powerful garden and ecology-themed children’s books to inspire learning through outdoor activities, creative expression and open exploration. Dozens of hands-on math, science and laguage-based activities encourage leadership development, individual responsibility, community involvement, and the development of critical thinking skills.

This curriculum utilizes six Growing Good Kids Book Award-winning titles to inspire learning through outdoor activities, creative expression and open exploration. It will enhance youths’ understanding of the messages and powerful illustrations conveyed in these stories. Literature in the Garden will serve to make their learning and the stories they are reading more relevant. Literature in the Garden (224 pp.)

This curricula has been discontinued and replaced with the Learn, Grow, Eat, and Go! Curricula.
This addition to the Junior Master Gardener series is packed with basic gardening information that includes growing techniques, food safety, healthy eating tips, and nutritious snack food preparation. This book is a great tool for educators who use garden programs to teach students about health, nutrition, food safety, and wise decision-making skills. Grades 3-5. Teacher/Leader guide (230 pp.)

The combined resources of the National Wildlife Federation and the Junior Master Gardener Program along with the valuable input from pilot teachers and students across the country have helped to shape Wildlife Gardener into an integrated, engaging, and one-of-a-kind experience for kids. Wildlife Gardener (320 pp.)