Growing a Vegetable Garden Golden Ray Series Certification

The Golden Ray Series is recognition offered to youth that complete a small part of the Level One JMG program. Groups can choose to focus on one chapter or topic.

This fall we invite you to have your students master Growing a Vegetable Garden. During this program, students will take part in novel, hands-on learning experiences including:

– evaluating the best garden site
– selecting the right vegetables plants
– establishing the space requirements for plants
– cooperating to set garden rules &  plant care schedules
– composting organic matter
– understanding plant parts and their function
– recognizing the steps of photosynthesis

   (more details below!)

>>Steps to Have Students Earn a JMG
Growing a Vegetable Garden Certification

Form the Level One JMG Teacher Guide, complete the following steps to allow your

students to earn their JMG certification in Growing a Vegetable Garden:

1. Register Your JMG Group

There is no cost to register. Register online at  I suggest the leader in charge of printing certificates be responsible for registering online.  (TIP: You can estimate you group enrollment if you don’t have exact numbers.)

2. Complete the Lessons Below

  • Hamburger Plants (p.3)
  • Home Sweet Home (p.1S7)
  • Know & Show Sombrero (pA)
  • Make Your Pick (p.1S9)
  • Small & Large (p.160)
  • Rules are Rules (p.161)
  • Schedule It (p.162)
  • Paper Towel Gardening (p.16S) or Tender Transplants (p.167)
  • Plant Parts Rap (p.8)
  • Building Bins & Compost Sandwiches (p.3l)
  • Oxygen Factory (p.17)
  • Garden to the Table (p.17l)
  • Plant a Seed (p.199, from Life Skills & Career Exploration Chapter)

3. Complete 1 Service Project

It is recommended that your group give away produce from the garden. If it’s just

a few pieces of produce, they might be given to your school’s nurse, custodian

or secretary along with a note of appreciation. A larger bag full of produce could be

given away to a local food pantry.

4. Print certificates online at