Skip’s Tips for a Thriving School Garden
Skip Richter (1:15-2:15)
Whether your class is growing a raised-bed veggie garden, as featured in the Learn, Grow, Eat & GO curriculum, Early Childhood LGEG container gardens OR a traditional in-ground garden, this session will help to “green up” your thumb! Skip will share some easy-to-implement, practical advice and top tips for establishing/maintaining a student-led garden that will grow & thrive!
Skip received his master’s degree in Horticulture from Texas A&M University, “the source of all earthly knowledge.” He has been with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service for 32 years in Montgomery, Travis, Harris and Brazos County where he currently serves as a County Extension Agent in Horticulture. He has gardened in the brush country of south Texas, the rocky hills of the Missouri Ozarks, the acid sands of the East Texas piney woods, the semi-arid climate and high pH soils of central Texas, and the humid, hot climate and black clays of southeast Texas. He is an enthusiastic student and teacher of natural gardening techniques. He helped develop Extension’s “Don’t Bag It” yard waste recycling programs, the “Composting for Kids” educational web page, and the Grow Green environmental education program which educates Austin residents on landscaping practices that protect water quality.
Skip is a popular speaker for garden clubs, Master Gardener programs, and other gardening events across Texas. He has written a bi-weekly internet column for the National Gardening Association, and numerous newspaper and magazine articles on gardening. His “Gardening with Skip” YouTube channel features over 120 brief gardening videos. Skip has served as the National Gardening Association’s regional horticulturist for the southeastern U.S. and is a contributing editor to Texas Gardener magazine. He is the host of the Gardening Success radio show in College Station, which is also available by podcast online. His book, “Texas Month-by-Month Gardening” provides guidance on planting and caring for your garden and landscape every month of the yea