Operation Thistle – Leader Resources

Leader Resources
Preserving Beauty
Blooms of the World
Leader Resources
Great Service Learning Ideas
- Propagation Related
– Use Propagation Resources and donate plants gifting others (such as teachers/admin at school, residents of nursing/elder care facility, etc.)
– Another option is to use funds generated from the 6 Week Propagation Production Venture plant sale to donate to local organization (such as animal shelter, school/city library, food bank, etc.) - Education Related
– Have students plan several session to spend time with and teach younger students. This could be as simple as setting a couple 30 minute session with younger students every month. This idea of reoccurring sessions with younger “Garden Buddies” can be filled with students taking what they learn during JMG class and having your older students pick a favorite lesson and coming up with ideas of of how it could be adapted for younger students. - Work Project Related
– Complete beautification project at your campus or local-non profit. This could be as easy as asking for permission to clean up beds (such as removing weeds, cleaning up trash, adding mulch, planting flowering plants, etc.) or installing a new, small flower bed or shrubs.
Plant Growth & Development Certification
Youth can earn certification as a Junior Master Gardener in Level 2 – Plant Growth and Development by completing these minimum requirements:
- Belong to a registered JMG group.
- Complete 1 group activity for each of the eight learning concepts.
- Complete 1 independent activity for each of the eight learning concepts.
- Complete 1 activity from the Life Skills and Career Exploration section of this curriculum.
- Complete 1 service learning/leadership development project.

After you register your group and complete the certificate requirements you can print pre-filled, personalized certificates for each student at: https://jmgkids.us/enroll