Growing the Next Generation

Master Gardener Associations:
PLANT 3 SEEDS this Fall to Help Grow the Next Generation of Gardeners in Your Community!

Although you may have a memory of gardening with a parent or grandparent when you were a child, we know that today many kids may not have the opportunity to garden at home. If you are a Master Gardener, we challenge your MG association to “PLANT SEEDS” of empowerment for 3 of your local teachers (could be public/private/charter/homeschool). Your challenge is to INVEST into 3 area teachers to help EMPOWER them to implement school gardens in your county! 
More and more schools across the country are beginning to implement school garden programs BUT we also know that most of your local teachers are limited by time, funding and training.
Your association can help meet this need, and grow the next generation of gardeners, by providing three $70 scholarships for your teachers to attend the Virtual 2025 JMG National Leader Training conference in February 2025!

Master Gardener CHALLENGE:
To PLANT 3 "SEEDS" in Your County!

Help EQUIP teachers and help meet their needs by providing scholarships for three teachers in your county to attend the upcoming Virtual 2025 JMG National Leader Training, Feb 18-19!

With Your Scholarship Support, this CONFERENCE will EDUCATE & EMPOWER teachers in YOUR AREA to:

  • BUILD sustainability through community collaborations and partnerships

  • IMPLEMENT best practices, garden/project-based learning, effectively managing students/groups

  • UTILIZE research-based curriculum aligned to state & national academic standards

  • GROW healthy gardens & healthy kids

  • GENERATE funding to support your garden programs

  • And much, MUCH more!

Once you have the completed School Garden Commitment forms from 3 local teachers, click the REGISTER button below to register them for the 2025 JMG National Leader Training conference.

After registrations are complete, those teachers will receive their conference access link, password, and other conference details.

Q:   How can your Master Gardener Association PLANT 3 SEEDS by empowering local teachers?

A:  Sharing with local teachers about this conference and your local scholarship opportunity can be as easy as A, B, C!

A. INTRODUCE teachers to the upcoming conference & the idea of starting a garden program in the future.

To do this, you might call or email a few local principals to ask them to share about the upcoming school garden conference with their campuses.
(See sample email text that you could use at orange button below.)

B. INVITE your area teachers, on a first-come/first-served basis of opportunity to receive a $70 free registration scholarship for the Virtual 2025 JMG National Leader Training.

Any interested teachers could be instructed to express their interest by emailing their completed/signed School Garden Commitment form to your MG association treasurer or other point of contact. The PDF of the School Garden Commitment form that could be attached to email to principals/teachers. (See purple button below.)

C. IDENTIFY the first three teachers that want to attend the Virtual 2025 JMG National Leader Training and have your MG Association Treasurer REGISTER them for the conference! 🤠 

Share the good news and notify selected teachers by email! Request your teachers’ contact info (address & phone) so you can complete their conference registrations.
(See  green button below for  registration & more conference details.) 

Master Gardeners Helping Grow the Next Generation of Gardeners!