We regularly add new features to this teacher feature section for free downloads of sample JMG lessons. Check back for future free teacher features.
Teacher Features
Previous Teacher Features:
How does watering grass less often build stronger, deeper roots? “Read the Roots“ lesson
free PDF download of lesson ( JMG Level 2, Operation W.A.T.E.R., pgs 122-122,
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Use cheap paper towels and a little school glue can help your kids learn about space requirements for plants. “Paper Towel Gardening“ lesson
free PDF download of lesson ( JMG Level 1, Teacher/Leader Guide, pgs 165-167
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Turn a pile a old newspaper into a stack of “plant-able” transplant pots “Paper Pots” lesson
free PDF download of lesson ( JMG Level 1, JMG Teacher/Leader Guide.,pg 20
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Make a stick and a bunch of rocks into a pretty accurate timepiece “Earth Clock“ lesson
free PDF download of lesson ( JMG Level 1, Literature in the Garden, pg 140
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Recycle a film canister to create a growing air purfier that serves as living jewelry
“Growing Clean Air Neck Pet“ lesson
free PDF download of lesson ( JMG Level 1, Literature from the Garden, pgs 40-42
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