If you are faculty/staff of Cooperative Extension in your state, a school/district admin, or other early childhood education support organization, there are resources being developed to support for your implementation of the new Early Childhood Learn, Grow, Eat & GO! curriculum project.

Although some resources  initial set of resources listed below are state-specific, you are encouraged to adapt these tools for use with your your state. As you create new resources unique to your state, we ask that you share them back with us. We will post and share with others to create a growing body of resources to support local Early Childhood Learn, Grow, Eat & Go programming efforts. 
Junior Master Gardener "Learn, Grow, Eat, and Go: Early Childhood' curriculum book

Early Childhood LGEG Workshop Kit 

The Early Childhood LGEG Workshop Kit is an online resources for those leading a training workshop for groups of early childhood teachers. This workshop kit includes:

– presentation & script
– sample agenda
– handouts
– list of needed supplies
– resource links/video

The online kit contains all the resources you need for leading a teacher training workshop over the Early Childhood LGEG curriculum!

Early Childhood LGEG Evaluation – Retrospective Survey Instructions:

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