Teacher Leader Guide Chapter 2 Resources

Chapter 2: Soil and Water
Teacher/Leader Resources
Soil Color, Texture and Structure
Touchy Feely (p. 25)
Mud Pies (p. 26)
Shake, Rattle, and Roll (p. 26)
Projectable: Shake, Rattle and Roll Diagram
Candy Aggregate (p. 27)
Video Resources

Touchy Feely (p. 25)
Mud Pies (p. 26)
Shake, Rattle, and Roll (p. 26)
Projectable: Shake, Rattle and Roll Diagram
Candy Aggregate (p. 27)
Nutrient Variable (p. 28)
Printable : Nutrient Variable Lab Sheet
The Numbers on the Bag (p.29)
Printable: Nutrients on the Bag Song
Bumps Below (p.30)
Video Resources

Nutrient Variable (p. 28)
Printable : Nutrient Variable Lab Sheet
The Numbers on the Bag (p.29)
Printable: Nutrients on the Bag Song
Bumps Below (p.30)
Soil Improvement
Building Bins and Compost Sandwiches (p. 31)
Composting Critter Page (p. 33)
Printable: Composting Critter Page
Compost Sandwich Composition (p. 33)
Video Resources
Coming Soon!

Building Bins and Compost Sandwiches (p. 31)
Composting Critter Page (p. 33)
Printable: Composting Critter Page
Compost Sandwich Composition (p. 33)
Water Cycle and You
Earth Apple (p. 35)
Cloud Maker (p. 36)
The Cycle Song (p.37)
Apple Rings and Banana Chips (p.38)
Video Resources
Earth Apple (p. 35)
Cloud Maker (p. 36)
The Cycle Song (p.37)
Apple Rings and Banana Chips (p.38)
Water Movement
Out of the Spout (p. 39)
Where Did It Go? (p.39)
Water Flows, Soil Goes (p.40)
Video Resources
Coming Soon!

Out of the Spout (p. 39)
Where Did It Go? (p.39)
Water Flows, Soil Goes (p.40)
Leadership/ Service Learning Projects
Help Make Their Bed (p. 41)
Landfill Visit (p. 41)
Wastewater Visit (p.41)
Make a Difference (p.41)
Super Soil Business (p.41)
Create Your Own (p. 41)
Video Resources
Coming Soon!