FB Live National JMG Group Meets
Hey parents, your elementary
Help them to JOIN US for the each of the free activity sessions recorded from the recent 2020 Plant Growth & Development class !
The original sessions were recorded twice/week, April 2-May 19 on every Tuesday & Thursday and each session lasted 20-30 minutes.
Your students can take view and take part in these sessions by clicking links below!
Garden activities are led by National JMG staff.
Your kids can earn a free Junior Master Gardener “Golden Ray Series” Certification in Plant Growth & Development by viewing all lessons & completing the activities.
And, it’s FREE to JOIN US, HAVE FUN, LEARN and EARN certification!
Here's Your Virtual
SUMMER 2020 National JMG Group Schedule & Supplies!
>>> Getting your ready for the sessions:
Session Supply List
session 1 Hamburger Plant (pg. 3)
- 2 sheets of blank paper
- assorted crayons or markers
session 2 P.L.A.N.T. Needs (pg.11)
- print out of Plants Need PLANTS student page pdf
- 2 large (2ftx2ft) sheets of gift wrap or newspaper
- assorted crayons or markers
- “wide” tape (like packing, masking or duct tape)
- scissors, glue, gift wrap tape
- several random craft materials (anything else you can find such as 1-2: balloons, pipe cleaners, feathers, pieces of construction paper, etc.)
session 3 Oxygen Factory (pg. 17)
- print out of Oxygen Factory student page pdf
- assorted crayons or markers
- bottle of blowing bubbles
session 4 Plant Parts We Eat p. (pg. 9)
- print out of Plant Parts Web student page pdf
session 5 Plant People
- potting soil
- knee high stockings
- googly eyes/glue
Session 6 Paper Pots (pg. 20)
- large bowl or bin full of water
- plastic cup (shorter, wide-mouth cups work best)
- paper that can be recycled (a few sheets of printer paper, grocery store flyers, etc.)
session 7 April 23 Leaf-and-Seed-Sort (pg. 8)
- one sheet of construction paper or printer paper
- glue
- crayons
- bean seed, corn seed
- 2 leaves (1 long skinny leaf, 2 oval or round-shaped leaf)
session 8 Plant Parts Rap (pg. 8)
- print out of Plant Parts Rap student page pdf
>>> Share What You Know & OPEN the
#JMGkidsService Plant Parts Rap Challenge)
session 9 Seed Science (pg. 10)
- quart-sized, sealable plastic bag
- paper towel
- 6 dried bean seeds* (lima beans or pinto beans work well!)*if possible soak 4 beans overnight before today’s session.
Session 9 Flower Dissection (pg. 11)
- 1-2 flower blooms (larger flowers work best!)
- paper
- tape or glue
- scissors
- Plant Part Diagram page
session 11 Gallon Greenhouse (pg. 21)
- 2-3 cups potting soil
- 1 gallon-sized sealable bag (or 1 gallon plastic jug, utility knife and plastic wrap)
session 12 Propagation Demo (pg. 21)
- gallon greenhouse from last session
- access to plants around you that you could potentially take cuttings from
- sharp scissors (or pruning shears)
session 13 Interview a Plant Scientist
(no supplies need but be prepared to ask question of our scientist!)
session 14 JMG Digital Service Project
Before you finish the JMG FB Live Group, we challenge you to take what you’ve learned during our JMG sessions and:
- SHARE something with another person
- or DO something for another person
- or GIVE something you made to another person!
>>>When you do, please have a parent post to Facebook with hashtag #JMGkidsService so we can know about your service and brag to the rest of the group it on our page!

>>> Plant Growth & Development
Original FB Live Session Schedule/Dates*
session 1 April 2 (Thurs) Hamburger Plant (pg. 3) pdf
session 2 April 7 (Tues) P.L.A.N.T. Needs (pg.11) pdf
Plants Need PLANTS student page
session 3 April 9 (Thurs) Oxygen Factory (pg.17) pdf 1, 2
session 4 April 14 (Tues) Plant Parts We Eat (p.9) pdf
Plant Parts Web student page
session 5 April 16 (Thurs) Plant People (pg.12) pdf
session 6 April 21 (Tues) Paper Pots (pg. 20) pdf
session 7 April 23 (Thurs) Leaf-and-Seed-Sort (p.7) pdf
JMG Monocot/Dicot page, Student Activity page
session 8 April 28 (Tues) Plant Parts Rap (pg. 8) pdf
session 9 April 30 (Thurs) Seed Science (p.10) pdf
Seed Science Experiment page
session 10 May 5 (Tues) Flower Dissection (p.11) pdf
Plant Part Diagram page
session 11 May 7 (Thurs) Gallon Greenhouse (p.21) pdf
session 12 May 12 (Tues) Propagation Demo (p.21)
Life Skills/Career Exploration Activity & Service Share
session 13 May 14 (Thurs) Plant Scientist Interview
session 14 May 19 (Tues) Share What you Know Digital Service Project!
*Students are invited to join recordings on the JMG YouTube Channel or FB Live sessions listed below.
>>>Sign up to be an official member of the Summer 2020 JMG Virtual Group at the button above then you can take part in recorded YouTube or FB Live sessions:
Session 1 -> April 2 Hamburger Plant
Session 2 -> April 7 P.L.A.N.T. Needs
Session 3 -> April 9 Oxygen Factory
Session 4 -> April 14 Plant Parts We Eat
Session 5 -> April 16 Plant People
Session 6 -> April 21 Paper Pots
Session 7 -> April 23 Leaf/Seed Sort Part A Part B
Session 8 -> April 28 Plant Parts Rap
Session 9 -> April 30 Seed Science
Session 10 -> May 5 Flower Dissection
Session 11 -> May 7 Gallon Greenhouse Take 1 Take 2
Session 12 -> May 12 Plant Propagation
Session 13 -> May 14 Interview a Scientist
Session 14 -> May 19 JMGKids Graduation
Can your student to be in the kid compilation video of the plant parts rap?
1. Record your elementary student performing any 3 stanzas of the JMG Plant Parts Rap (click to open lyrics here)!
2. Email video with student’s first name, city/state to: juniormastergardener@gmail.com or POST video to your Facebook with the hashtags #JMGplantPartsRap and #JMGkidsService!
You can also watch JMG National Group sessions @JMGkids YouTube:
Session 1
Hamburger Plant
Session 2
Plant Needs
Session 3
Oxygen Factory
Session 4
Plant Parts We Eat
Session 5
Plant People
Session 6
Paper Pots
Session 7
Leaf & Seed Sort
Session 8
Plant Parts Rap
Plant People Rap Video
College Student Edition!
Session 9
Seed Science
Session 10
Flower Dissection
Session 11
Gallon Greenhouse
Session 12
Plant Propagation Demo
Session 13
Interview a Plant Scientist
Session 14
JMG FB Live Graduation
Plant People Rap Video
JMG FB Live Kid Edition!
See the gallery below for some of
the 2020 Spring National JMG Group and their work!

Junior Master Gardener
Growing good kids by igniting a passion for learning, success, and service through a unique gardening education.
The Junior Master Gardener program is an international youth gardening program of the university cooperative Extension network. JMG engages children in novel, “hands-on” group and individual learning experiences that provide a love of gardening, develop an appreciation for the environment, and cultivate the mind.
JMG also inspires youths to be of service to others through service learning and leadership development projects, and rewards them with certification and recognition.
Children can get involved locally in classrooms led by their teachers or in youth groups (scouts, 4-H, Boys & Girls Clubs, etc.) and explore their world through meaningful activities that encourage leadership development, personal pride and responsibility, and community involvement. Youth involved in the program develop critical thinking skills, and the ability to identify community concerns and take action to address them through individual group projects.