LGEG is a 20 lesson interdisciplinary curriculum for elementary students that combines academic achievement, gardening, nutrient-dense food experiences, physical activity, and school & family engagement.
New! EXPLORE the soft launch of our new Ed Gate curriculum alignment program for both Learn, Grow, Eat & GO and Early Childhood LGEG curriculums.
You can now access the correlations and alignments to state and national standards by grade level and subject area for both of these popular youth gardening and nutrition programs.
Early Childhood LGEG is a 4-week multifaceted curriculum that combines plant and garden learning, food exposure, brain- and body-boosting physical activities, and novel parental engagement well-built around plant part themes.

Other Popular JMG Curriculum Options
Junior Master Gardener curricula engages children in novel, “hands-on” group and individual learning experiences that promote a love of gardening, develop an appreciation for the environment, and cultivate the mind.
The success of our program relies upon the JMG Teachers/Leaders. We have a full library of resources that will prepare teachers & leaders to successfully engage students in this novel program.
Growing Good Kids by Igniting a Passion for Learning, Success & Service.
more new resources to share!
1. Marketing Resources developed to support your efforts in coordinating & promoting programs in your area.
2. www.JMGkids.us/virtual is your place to for online course content for youth and teachers.
2. ECE Resources for teachers implementing the Early Childhood Learn, Grow, Eat & GO curriculum.
Learn, Grow, Eat & Go Online Course for Students!
It’s almost here! Whether your elementary students are learning in person or at a distance, they will soon be able to join a Learn, Grow, Eat & Go class and complete their learning & growing experience at their own pace in the new AgriLife Learn course platform!
Whether it’s through school, a independent learning project at home, or a virtual summer class at-a-distance, your students will love the hands on lessons & activities leaning them to grow their own thriving garden and become a chef to prepare delicious recipes along with us!
Now Available! JMG Online Curriculum & Teacher Trainings
These new, self-directed and engaging courses for teachers, volunteers and Extension will serve as a dynamic professional development training as well as a new, multimedia curricular options for popular JMG teacher guides:
“The kids’ JMG t-shirts are like the uniform of our JMG school garden team! The kids love them!! We had some sponsors to pay for the cost & were able to get our shirts customized with our school name on the front PLUS our sponsors logos on the back. The sponsors love them, too!!” 8th grade teacher