Make it Monday: Corn Art

Make it Monday

Corn Art

The first step to creating your own piece of corn art is to collect all the necessary materials. For this project you will need husked corn, a canvas or two, paint, a sharp knife, a sponge brush and toothpicks.
Second, cut the corn in half and insert the toothpick on either end of the pieces to create handles.
Next, squirt out some paint on a plate and make sure that your corn is very dry.
Then, paint the corn all the way around with one color. Apply a very thick coat initially.
Using the handles, roll the corn across the canvas while applying light pressure to the corn.
Using the handles, roll the corn across the canvas while applying light pressure to the corn.
Continue this process with multiple colors and pressures applied.
  1. Make sure to wash off the corn after each color and dry well.
Continue until you have achieved the desired look.
Add writing or an image on top of the painting and have fun!

Happy crafting from JMG!

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