Looking for ways to incorporate STEM requirements into your JMG lessons? Adding this activity into your JMG Curriculum is a fun and easy way to extend the lesson and include STEM criteria in your classroom.

Here is a step by step way to send your seed (marble) soaring!

Design model of seeds that can be dispersed:









Once students are divided into groups, have them use materials to create a way for the “seeds” to catch the wind from the fan and disperse at a distance of minimum 20 inches.


One idea for a successful flight:

Create a box for the seed to sit in and cut a large onion shape out of a piece of construction paper.

Attach paper to box and create a parachute.


To prepare your measuring area, put masking tape on the floor below your fan and create a ruler up to twenty inches.

Drop your seed in front of the fan and measure how far it goes.

What other ways can you come up with to make your seed go flying!