With Father’s Day just around the corner, we found a great gift for kids to make in 10 easy steps!!
Its called a SeeD case, and all you need are a few supplies to create a great gift for Dad that keeps on growing!
- A CD case – The thicker CD case works better, but the smaller version can be used as well.

- Soil – Preferably a soil that contains smaller particles so that CD case can shut completely
- Seeds – Any seed can be used as long as it is small. Grass seed works the best, the finished example shown above uses Rye grass. Seeds such as Squash and Zinnia also provided good results.
(Left to Right: Squash seed, Zinnia Seed, Grass Seed)
- Water
- Tape
- Paper towels or large towel
- Cup
Make your SeeD Case
Step 1: Soak your seeds in water for at least 24 hours. This is not a requirement for all seeds but it will break the seed coat and the seeds will grow faster.
Step 2: Lay out all at materials on paper towels or towel and made sure that CD is clean and opened.
Step 3: Place soil in cup and dampen the soil, be sure that soil is very damp so that seeds will get water.
Step 4: Looking at the CD case from a sideways angle, place soil in bottom of CD case with hinges on top. Place enough soil that 1/3 of case is covered!
Step 5: Place seeds evenly throughout soil and add a bit more water (Spray bottle is very helpful for this part)
Step 6: Once your seeds have been watered, place two pieces of tape on either side of your SeeD Case!
Step 7: Decorate your SeeD case, paint pens or sharpies work best!
Step 8: Place your SeeD case in a window or outside to get light!
Don’t forget to water your seeds, the best way to do this is by dunking the soil end in a bowl of water or removing the tape and using a spray bottle!
Step 9: Watch your SeeD case grow!
Step 10: Give your SeeD case to your Father and let him know how much you love him!
Please post pictures or comments and let us know how your SeeD case looked!
Happy Father’s Day from JMG!
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